Writing Something about CNNBecause I use English . May be something I can't write very well.An easiest convolutional neural network just has an input layer,a conv layer,a RELU layer,a pooling layer...
layout: posttitle: Some Initial Api In Numpydate: 2017-06-10 12:00:00 +08:00tags: [Python]Writing At FirstThis note I will say something about numpy. And what I will say is most about initial funct...
Before long I just in my senior high school. I try to install a arch Linux. Because I see a blog or a answer and find that if you want to study Linux try to use arch Linux or gentoo Linux. And it c...
The easiest way to over the wall to surf Google I thinkI just write an easiest way I think to over the wall to surf google or Facebook or Twitter or others website.It's change hosts. This is becaus...